Cole and Laila are Just Friends

Cole and Laila are Just Friends, by Bethany Turner

Cole and Laila are Just Friends is yet another highly engaging and creative story from Bethany Turner.

As the title suggests, Cole and Laila, late 30’s, are buddies. Actually, they’re lifelong best friends. To the reader, they’re completely married, except not a couple. And then circumstances force Cole to consider moving away from their remote mountain town. Laila is thrown into a spin and accompanies him on the trip of lifetime to New York.

While they’re there, something shifts their relationship but can the transition from BFFs to so much more be smooth? And this is where Turner shines. Because the short answer is ‘no’ but so deep is Cole and Laila’s relationship, that actually, yes, the move can be made simple. Until life steps in.

While long serving as ‘using pop culture royalty,’ Turner really ups her game in this story. Especially with the New York City references. I also like that the issues Cole and Laila face are not predictable ones you’d usually see in a friends to more trope. Plus the backstory involving Cole’s grandfather’s death and resultant fallout is intriguing and when you put it all together, the pages kept turning. I actually began reading this and midway through switched to audio which I thoroughly enjoyed. Both narrators did wonderful jobs. Written or spoken, I definitely recommend this for a fun summer read.

I received a copy of Cole and Laila are Just Friends from the publisher, via NetGalley. The views are all my own.

Cole and Laila are Just Friends

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

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