Cole and Laila are Just Friends

Cole and Laila are Just Friends, by Bethany Turner

Cole and Laila are Just Friends is yet another highly engaging and creative story from Bethany Turner. As the title suggests, Cole and Laila, late 30’s, are buddies. Actually, they’re lifelong best friends. To the reader, they’re completely married, except not a couple. And then circumstances force Cole to consider moving away from their remote … Continue reading Cole and Laila are Just Friends, by Bethany Turner

Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other

Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other, by Bethany Turner

Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other is another un-put-downable, highly entertaining story from the tremendously creative Bethany Turner. This author couldn’t write a boring, predictable book if she tried. The basic premise is this: an on air morning tv host (Brynn) makes a huge mistake and denigrates her former hometown while the microphone is hot. … Continue reading Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other, by Bethany Turner