You Make It Feel Like Christmas

You Make It Feel Like Christmas, by Toni Shiloh

You Make It Feel Like Christmas is a standalone holiday read from the fabulous Toni Shiloh. Full disclosure, she’s an auto read author for me. It’s been a bumpy couple of weeks here and I needed a little pick me up. Enter You Make It Feel Like Christmas. Of note – don’t even think about opening this if you’re needed somewhere in the short term. The book is a menace to good timekeeping. I couldn’t pout it down, and finished it in three sittings. It would have been two but I am responsible for getting our youngest to school!

In typical Toni Shiloh fashion, her characters spare no time getting under your skin and into your heart. Starr and Waylon were no exception to this, especially Waylon as he faced his first Christmas without his mom and with his only family far away in Japan. For a shorter novel, this didn’t feel rushed and still provided plenty of conflict before the very happy ending. And anyone wanting to take a masterclass in writing horrid family members, look no further, Shiloh is surely the master of this. At the same time, she weaves faith in without preaching, always striking just the right balance between trouble, truth and fun.

Highly recommended.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and also bought my own. The enjoyment is all my own.

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here(UK)

Visit Toni Shiloh’s website

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