When the Waters Came, by Candice Sue Paterson

Confession time – I felt strangely compelled to read When the Waters Came, but at the same time, didn’t expect to enjoy it. Weird, right? Especially as I have enjoyed every other book by this author that I’ve read. And thankfully, I couldn’t have been more wrong. This book is a masterpiece of weaving a fictional narrative with real life events. Bravo.

The story centers around the real life tragedy of the Johnstown Flood in Pennsylvania. Pastor Monty Childs sees his home destroyed and life turned upside down when the waters from the nearby dam course through the area, flattening everything in their path.

Nurse Annamae Worthington trained with Clara Barton to render aid in disaster situation and arrives in Johnstown five days after the dam was breached. She is horrified at the depth of loss and suffering. A past loss has made her sensitive to big business and the cutthroat way its leaders can operate. As the two work together, Annamae’s difficult past collides with a huge secret Monty hasn’t shared with anyone.

As I said at the beginning, I was’t sure how I’d enjoy this story, but the truth is that I was gripped. For the three days this book took, I found myself excited to get into bed and open the pages. This is a masterpiece of threading fiction through history to make reality come alive.

When the Waters Came is highly recommended for anyone who enjoys historical fiction. I received a copy of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. The views are my own.

When the Waters Came

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