When the Day Comes is one of the best books I’ve read in several years. And I read a lot of books.
The premise is a young woman (Libby) who exists in two different eras. She goes to sleep on one life and wakes in the other. In this first of the series, Libby lives in 1774 Colonial Williamsburg, and 1914 New York and London.
On her twenty-first birthday she must choose which era to remain in permanently, and let go her other life. In that time, her body will die but, will continue to live in the other. If she uses knowledge to try and alter time, then she forfeits her life in the time she was trying to adjust.
Isn’t that quite the backdrop for a story? Beyond the extremely clever premise, When the Day Comes also impressed me with the depth or research. Libby behaves and speaks differently in each time, as do the other characters. That makes this almost two separate historical novels in one, so twice the research. But there’s an extra skill because Meyer weaves both plots together, tightening events until Libby is forced to choose which life she will live.
Then comes a plot twist so large I gasped audibly. I hadn’t seen it coming at all. And I was blown away.I’m putting my hand on my heart when I suggest you run to the bookstore for this one, especially if you like historical romances. I’d consider this a ‘must read.’

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