Until I Met You by Tari Faris

Until I Met You is my first experience of a Tari Faris novel. I’ll be picking up the first in the series and anything else she writes. I should say though, I didn’t feel like I’d missed out, but rather want to go back and read backstories.

Heritage, Michigan is looking for a new librarian and Libby Kingsley, lover of literature and libraries needs a new start. Unfortunately, before she’s even unpacked, her dog has caused mayhem by possibly dallying with her grumpy neighbor’s prized Husky.

Austin makes his feelings clear in no uncertain terms and Libby learns to avoid the grouch next door. Then a town construction project throws them together and their feelings start to change.

Until I Met You is a great example of how important a role forgiveness plays in second chances. Both Libby and Austin need to free themselves of painful pasts if they’re going to stand any chance of a future together. Their journey to healing is bumpy in places but keeps the pages turning in a most satisfying way.

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