Turn to Me

Turn to Me by Becky Wade

Turn to Me. Oh my stars. All of the stars. This is an easy five stars from me. First book I fully binged from start to finish, read in the car, stayed up late, snuck in between the school and grocery run etc. If the marks of a great book include caring about the characters, wincing and tearing up because you know how they’re going to respond, and feeling transported to another place every time you pick it up, then this is absolutely a great book.

Luke Dempsey is probably the most wounded of the Miracle Five who survived an earthquake while on a missions trip. Sadly Luke’s brother Ben didn’t make it out alive and Luke has always blamed himself. Freshly released from prison, he’s honor bound to accompany free spirited Finlay on a birthday treasure hunt. Luke want’s nothing to do with society but grits his teeth, determined to live up to a promise he made to Finlay’s dying father.

Finlay didn’t want to share her final birthday hunt, set up by her father before his death, but feels compelled to accept Luke after learning of the request to safeguard her. Both need healing after suffering major tragedies. Could they find a very different sort of treasure together?

I couldn’t not put this book down. Easily one of the best I’ve read in 2022.

This is a must read for any lovers of the romance genre. I received a copy of this book from the publisher, the views are my own. Becky Wade has been an auto buy since I read her first book.

More information…

Read an excerpt or buy a copy of Turn to Me

Visit Becky Wade’s website

Learn about the rest of the Misty River series here

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