To Steal a Heart by Jen Turano

To Steal a Heart launches Jen Turano’s new series in an attention grabbing and highly entertaining manner. The action opens with lead character Gabriella preparing to break into a safe at the home of one of the New York Four Hundred. If you’ve ever read Jen Turano before, you can only imagine the hilarity that follows. The action never really stops after that, and a new crime fighting force is launched.

Readers, welcome to the Bleeker Street Inquiry Agency.

Following the safe-cracking attempt, Gabriella runs right into Nicholas Quinn, her dearest friend. The two first bonded while sharing a rough childhood on the streets. Gabriella is now making ends meet as a seamstress, but Nicholas was taken in by a wealthy and influential man. He’s now viewed as the most eligible bachelor in New York.

As Gabriella tries to solve different cases, and danger stalks her, Nicholas can’t help being drawn back to his former best friend, feeling she’s the only person in the city to truly know him. But Gabriella isn’t interested in harming his standing in society, or bowing to its demands.

In summary, I highly recommend To Steal a Heart. This book will amuse, provoke thought and (if you’re like me) make you cheer out loud. Another winner from one of my favorite authors.

To grab a copy or read an excerpt, click here…

If you’d like to connect with Jen Turano, click here…

To read my review of Jen Turano’s last (great) book, click here…

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