To Disguise the Truth by Jen Turano

To Disguise the Truth is the third installment in the highly engaging Bleecker Street Inquiry Agency series. Each book stands alone, but by reading in order you get to know some excellent characters a little better.

This final offering lifts the veil, literally, on the agency founder, Eunice Holbrooke. The enigmatic Eunice has only been seen in widow’s weeds since book one, with no real explanation as to why she’s been wearing them for years. However, at the start of the book, she’s sitting across from a man she shot some years previously. Just like that, the novel kicks off into the mayhem, witty repartee and complex situations.

Meanwhile, Arthur Livingstone just wants help to find Montana heiress Eugenia Howland, so he can prove she’s alive and stop her conniving relatives from stealing her inheritance. He’s also keen to fulfill a promise made to Eugenia’s grandfather, that in the event of his untimely death, he would marry and care for her. Something Eugenia had no interest in.

It doesn’t take long for Arthur to figure out who Eunice really is, but getting her home and solving her grandfather’s death is anything but simple. This book is great. Turano proves again she is the mistress of the plot twist, the tension building and the hilarious but touching outcome. Bravo. Definitely recommended.

To Disguise the Truth

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