The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass

The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass by Katie Powner

The Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass is a lovely story that I thoroughly enjoyed. I read very little fiction that doesn’t have a strong romance thread, but this sounded compelling so I gave it a try and was richly rewarded.

The story itself started quite slowly as the author introduced us to the main characters (one of them a pig). But the pace lulled me into a rhythm of life to match the characters so every time I picked the book up, I felt in step with them.

We meet Pete, a middle aged man who has drifted back to his home town. He’s as settled as he’s ever been with his pet pig (Pearl) and his job as the garbage truck driver. Pete has one friend besides Pearl and seems fine. Until he encounters Wilma. Getting on in years, Wilma lives alone, and is financial trouble after overspending on payments to various good causes. She’s even hired a cleaner she doesn’t really need to help the young woman out.

Out of the blue, Pete’s sister arrives with a nephew Pete knew nothing about. This gives him a chance to atone for mistakes from his past and face the reasons he made those mistakes. In trying to help Pete, his family and Lily the cleaner, Wilma goes on a journey to correct a terrible wrong she thinks she caused. As the lives entwine, a beautiful story of second chances and the Lord’s provision emerges. It’s a story that’ll leave you thinking for some time to come. Definitely recommended.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley, my opinions are my own.

The Wind blows in Sleeping Grass

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