The Letter from Briarton Park

The Letter from Briarton Park by Sarah E Ladd

The Letter from Briarton Park is my first time reading Sarah E Ladd, and it certainly won’t be the last. It’s been a while since I binge-read a book in two days. But this one, I tell you, had me gripped, between red herrings, bad guys hidden in plain sight, a swoony hero, admirable heroine and and the lovely backdrop of Yorkshire.

Now, confession time – I was born in North Yorkshire, so was primed to enjoy this book. However, this went beyond enjoyment. I HAD to know how the story would end.

The characters are tightly drawn with that skill where an author can show you so much of a person’s nature, just in their actions. For writers who are learning showing versus telling, this is a great book to see it done well. For readers who love well thought out and beautifully delivered stories, ones that completely you to keep reading and pull you into caring for the fictional characters, this book is highly recommended.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The Letter from Briaton Park

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