The Happy Camper by Melody Carlson

I hadn’t heard of Melody Carlson until I saw the cover for The Happy Camper. Then I scanned the back cover and had to read the book. Had to.

This is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Lighthearted, whimsical even, as Dillon moves home to her grandpa’s farm, only to discover her mom got there first and Dillon has to sleep on the squishy old sofa. But Grandpa, a solid, loving character, gives Dillon a run down vintage camping trailer. Just reading about all the things Dillon can accomplish in a day made me tired. But it didn’t take her many days before ‘Desert Rose’ emerges like a butterfly from the chrysalis, a glorious, colorful star.

Of course Dillon’s journey involves a pesky ex-boyfriend and an eternal bachelor. Hardware store owner Jordan Atwood might be about to hang up that title, if he and Dillon can uncross their wires and lose the pushy ex and a camping femme fatale with her sights set on Jordan.

In times where darkness threatens it’s fantastic to have a little sunshine to help lift the clouds and Melody Carlson has certainly provided readers with some wonderful respite. I definitely recommend this book.

For Melody Carlson’s website, click here…

To buy The Happy Camper or read an excerpt, click here…

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