The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip

It’s rare for me to read a book based on the title, but The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip, by Sara Brunsvold, grabbed me right away. I mean, as titles go, this one is outstanding. I was going to say extraordinary, but that’s been taken.

The concern was with so bold a name, could the book live up to it? That’s a resounding yes. I’m a journalist myself so I enjoyed Aidyn’s narrative of newsroom life. Thankfully I mostly worked in less hostile environments. Aidyn, unpopular for trying to get ahead, is sent to visit a hospice. She’s told to interview the dying Mrs. Kip for her obituary. Little does Aidyn know what, or really, who, is about to hit her.

Despite Aden’s best efforts to resist, Mrs. Kip gets firmly under Aidyn’s skin. Slowly, the remarkable story of all the older lady has accomplished comes to light. The most touching part, I think, is the spiritual journey both go on as Mrs. Kip and Aidyn spent several afternoons talking. I don’t want to give much of the plot away, but suffice it to say, this is a beautiful story and well worth your time to read.

Imaginative, clever, and emotionally intelligent, I recommend this book for anyone who loves women’s fiction or just a darned good story.

I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley, the views are my own.

The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip
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