Target Acquired

Target Acquired, by Lynette Eason

Wow, Target Acquired easily makes it onto my top five romantic suspense reads of 2024. I started reading on (thankfully) a quiet day. There was no real choice – I had to finish this book. Annoyingly, sleep won out so I waited until the second day but this was a two day read for me. So so good.

The story is a bout a SWAT team leader (Cole) and medic (Kenzie). There have been feelings for both for a while, but given Kenzie’s place on the team, Cole has kept her at arms length until someone starts trying to get rid of her all together.

I loved that this story completely kept me guessing until the very end. The unpredictable plot that did allow me to catch my breath before the next shoe dropped was also great. Most of all, I enjoyed the charter development. Obviously Cole and Kenzie had a lot to go through, but Kenzie and her family needed some healing and Cole had growing as a leader to work on. Additionally, the wider SWAT team developed and I thought this was a compelling read.

Finally – a confession – I actually teared up quite near the end. Won’t say why – you’ll have to read the book, and I do highly recommend that course of action. Hope you have as great a two days as I did.

I received a copy of Target Acquired from the publisher via NetGalley. The fangirling is all my own.

Target Acquired

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (UK) or here (US)

Visit Lynette Eason’s website

Check out the other Lake City Heroes books

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