Start with Me by Kara Isaac

Start with Me more than fulfills the hope I had that Victor the rotter would eventually become a decent human. Oh my stars. This book is glorious. Kara Isaac gets better and better.

Readers first met Victor in Can’t Help Falling, the brilliant Narnia infused love story set in Oxford. Peter was the hero of that tale, and now his cad of a brother Victor takes center stage. Victor has spent several years trying to shed his past as a playboy and alcoholic after his behavior ripped the family apart. When his firm announces it’s merging with its US counterpart, he sees his chance to shine.

Except Lacey O’Connor is the American who has earned the promotion he’s chasing. In her mind, she is about to realize her dream until the man she’s spent years trying to forget shows up as her competition. Lacy’s plight isn’t helped by Victor not remembering her.

Start with Me is one of those stories that lingers long after you’ve reached the end. Just writing the review makes me want to go and reread it. As Victor and Lacey try to not fall for each other and instead focus on their careers, love blossoms. But how could they ever be together? With wonderful character development, some truly great situations and beautifully written, this is another example of how Kara Isaac is a ‘must read’ in contemporary romance.

To pick up a copy or read an excerpt, click here…

Connect with Kara Isaac via her website here…

Find my review of Can’t Help Falling, here…

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