Rocky Road

Rocky Road, by Becky Wade

Rocky Road was a delight from start to finish. I fell for Jude and Gemma in the best way and pulled for them from heir very first encounter. I don’t know about you, but I love a good opposites attract story, and these two are very different people. Luke’s past has made him cautious and methodical while Gemma is flamboyant and spontaneous.

Luke Camden is an FBI agent on the hunt for a man trying to commit a major fraud. He needs Gemma’s help to bring him down and asks her to pose as his girlfriend in order to make this happen. Given that the man in question caused her father to be jailed, she’s happy to comply, and proceeds to Drive. Luke. Nuts.

As you’d expect with Becky Wade (one of my auto buy authors), the characters grab your attention and embed in your heart quickly. That’s where the late night reading and sneaking away for chinks of time to read start. I read this in three days, and was irritated life got in the way.

If you love a great contemporary romance with wonderful characters, including those in a supporting role, then this is a must read. Simple as that. I received a copy from the author via NetGalley, but also bought my own for my bookshelf. The opinions are all mine.

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

Visit Becky Wade’s website

Check out the first in the Sons of Scandal series

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