Present Danger by Elizabeth Goddard

Present Danger had me at the cover. Then the back cover copy. Then the endorsements from Romantic Suspense royalty like Lynette Eason and Rachel Dylan. How could I lose?

I’m careful about adding new authors. I read voraciously and to be transported, not disappointed. But the staggering beauty of Montana is the backdrop for this novel and so I had to read it. Simple as that.

Fortunately, fear of disappointment was quickly turned to the delight of finding a new go-to author.

Terra and Jack’s story is complex and in itself a brilliant snapshot into the work of the US Forest Service Special Agents. When a body shows up during a routine search and rescue mission, Detective Jack Tanner is thrust into the world of artifact trafficking. Thankfully, his former love, Terra Connor is there to share her wealth of expertise, even while wanting to stay far away from the man who decimated her heart.

As the body count rises, Terra and Jack’s emotional defenses fall. Could a second chance at love be on the cards after the bullets stop flying? With a crazy but believable twist very near the end, and a packed story, I’d highly recommend this book to lovers of romantic suspense.

Connect with Elizabeth’s website here…

Read about another of my favorite romantic suspense releases this year…

To grab a copy of Present Danger, click here…

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