Path of Totality

Path of Totality by Heather Kreke

Reading a debut author, especially a close friend, is fraught with danger. Because what if it the book is bad? That scenario is, to quote Jane Austen, ‘unconscionable’. Thankfully, Path of Totality is a great read (If you’re reading this, I’m really grateful your book isn’t rotten, Heather).

The futuristic story sees the US under attack and older teens conscripted into the military to fight. A reluctant but resolute Jadzia soon sees herself on the run and fighting for her life as she battles to reunite with her family. Despite this being a debut novel, Kreke shows herself to be an expert at turning up the tension with every passing chapter and encounter.

Path of Totality by @HKreke is a tightly woven adventure from start to finish. Definitely recommended. #amreading Share on X

Although aimed at the Young Adult demographic, the tightly woven plot and well-written action scenes (difficult skill to master) kept this ‘older reader’ fully invested. But my favorite part, I think, was the sheer creativity that went into this. When writing a story set in the future, one of the keys to doing so well, is the balance of technology to make the future seem seem different and advanced, and doing so in such a way that readers understand, without lengthy explanations that don’t fit within the character’s stories. That aspect is done extremely well here and I’m delighted to recommend Path of Totality.

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Path of Totality

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