My True Love Gave to Me

My True Love Gave to Me

My True Love Gave to Me is the latest Christmas short story from one of my favorite authors, Karen Witemeyer (Wit-uh-my-er). I’m adding the pronunciation guide because I said her name wrong for several years before learning the correct way. So I’m sharing the knowledge.

To the matter at hand, this lovely Christmas quick read. My only complaint I that it went way too quickly. I enjoyed the setup and then the execution of the plot very much. So much so that I wanted the story to last far longer.

The idea of a lovesick suitor proving his worth to the woman he loves, and more especially, her father, was charming. Using the Twelve Days of Christmas song as the foundation for his actions was inspired.

The I found the whole concept fun and the way the hero Simeon Shepherd worked around the practicalities of producing the items listed in the song, was hilarious and highly creative. Thoroughly enjoyable and highly recommended to anyone who likes a sigh-inducing Christmas romance.

I received a copy from the publisher, the opinions are all my own.

My True Love Gave to Me

Grab a copy or read an excerpt of My True Love Gave to Me US or UK

Visit Karen Witemeyer’s website

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