Meeting Her Match

Meeting Her Match, by Jen Turano

Meeting Her Match is the third and final installment in an extremely fun series. Finally, Camilla, matchmaker extraordinaire, gets her own happily ever after. Of course, that doesn’t happen simply, or without a lot of witty repartée.

Camilla vowed never to marry after her heart was smashed by a British cad looking to add money to bankroll his aristocratic lifestyle. Although older and able to understand what happened, Camilla is still determined to never all in love. Then she collides with Owen Chesterfield who needs her elite skills as a member of the New York Four Hundred, to restore his tomboy sister’s reputation.

Needing to get out of New York after a failed abduction, Camilla travels to West Virginia where a whole different set of societal rules keep her on her elegant toes. With some of the older mountain folk unimpressed by Camilla’s genteel ways, there’s scope for all sorts of misadventure and Turano has a field day with the endless possibilities.

I enjoyed the humor, and the banter, and the unpredictable turns of the plot. Most of all, I loved the tender love stories, all bringing different types of healing to the couples involved. This is a highly fitting end to what’s been a brilliant series.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley. The enjoyment is all my own.

Meeting Her Match

Grab a copy or read and excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

Connect with Jen Turano via her website

Check out the other books in this fun series

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