Meet Erin Unger

One thing (other than the arrival of a new book, or chestnut praline latte syrup) that really excites my soul, is a new author. I may write contemporary romance, but I love to read romantic suspense. When I first met Erin Unger at my local American Christian Fiction Writer’s chapter, she was warm and friendly and did what all writers love – she asked me about my book. I explained I was working on both fiction and a Bible study for military wives. Her response above all, will stay with me forever. She looked around the table at the other writers, her face frowning in concentration “Debb is doing a lot,” she said, “who do we know that can help her?”

Such generosity of spirit, and then the willingness to offer a hand to someone who isn’t as far along as themselves. I’m delighted today to first introduce you to my friend Erin, and then share an excerpt from her FIRST BOOK which released just a few weeks ago.

Welcome Erin Unger…

Hey Erin, welcome to Faith, Hope and Love here. I have a few questions… Most Christian writers have a message or theme that seems to repeat in their work. What is the message God keeps tugging on your heart to write?

Well, Debb, you’re so right about repeating themes in our writing and I am no exception. My theme always seems to be how people have a hard time accepting that bad things happen because we live in a fallen world and not because God doesn’t care or love us. I want my readers to see that God loves us so much and he’s not to blame. He gave us free will. That means bad things happen because fallen humans have a choice to do good or evil. 

  • What’s the best thing about writing suspense?

I love the nail-biting action that keeps my readers wondering what’s going to happen next.

  • What’s your favorite thing about your main character Brooke Hollen?

I love how she realizes she needs God, and she goes at it with everything she’s got. (Amen – DH).

  • What was the inspiration for your serial killer?

That’s a great question. I am a murder show junky. And Lt Kenda is my most favorite tv personality. His show among many others has opened my eyes to the motivations and ways of killers. I love to study them. 

  • If you could write any other types of story, would you and what would it be?

I wrote a couple other genres on the search for my voice, but I could never go back and write anything else but suspense. It’s in my bones!

So given Erin’s love for romantic suspense, let’s take a sneaky peak…

Desolate Paths

I almost killed someone. It stunned me into reality, and I decided I had to change. That was why I ended up at the center—but my wobbly knees urged me to run in the opposite direction.

I just had to go forward. I stood at the train station and struggled to gain my bearings—and my senses. A sign announcing Carrick Living Museum and Rehabilitation Centerflashed in green digital letters. What was a living museum? In one short train ride, I had left the modern world and gone back in time. Hadn’t I signed up to recover at a facility where worry-free recuperationand slower paced stayswere in quotes on the website?

Women dressed in what looked like ball gowns swooshed past me. They had to be hot in all that material. Wait a minute… It started to make sense as another lady walked past me. I had seen pictures of the old dresses in the header of the website. The place was a kind of museum and rehab center.

The men? Had I gotten sucked into an historical novel? Their muscles bulged below rolled-up sleeves in shirts like the costumes from my favorite Charlotte Bronte-based movie as they loaded and unloaded cargo and what-not. One in particular paused to check me out. And I actually thought my headache paused long enough to let me take in his perfect sculpted cheeks and tanned skin. His sandy blond hair was only a shade darker than my own. I grinned—but only for a split second—as my headache shocked me back to reality.

With a tip of his hand to his temple, the guy saluted me. He called out over the noise of the tourists moving around me, “The name’s Kyle.”

I spun around. Rehab wasn’t for ogling great looking guys. It was exactly the opposite. Don’t even let him into your brain matter.

If you’d like to find out what happens next, click here here to buy the book.

Where to find Erin Unger…

And if you want to keep up with what she’s up to, you can find Erin at: or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Erin Unger was raised in the hills of Virginia, exploring abandoned houses and also reading the scariest books she could find. After marrying so young it would make a great romance novel, she has enjoyed an exciting life with her hubby.But her fast-paced life sometimes rivals the suspense in her books thanks to all her mostly grown children and a couple grandkids. Her next novel, Practicing Murder,releases March 29, 2019.

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