Lethal Standoff

Lethal Standoff, by DiAnn Mills

Lethal Standoff is another extremely clever and taut romantic suspense from DiAnn Mills. I particularly enjoyed the main characters being a little different. Neither are law enforcement. Carrington is a self-employed negotiator and Levi a journalist. However, their careers soon find them in a world of trouble and risking their lives to free a number of undocumented migrants held at gunpoint.

After that, they race again the clock and a calculating killer to uncover why the migrants were taken in the first place. But finding the answer might just get them killed.

So much to applaud here. First of all the gentler nature of these characters to a typical romantic suspense provided a breath of fresh air. Carrington is all about resolution and Levi about truth. The two together make an intriguing team, one that avid readers of this genre will enjoy very much.

I can’t imagine the research this book took either, and I applaud the author for the details invited in making the story leap from the pages. While I don’t always love stories written in first person, but in this instance, the writing style pulled me closer to the main characters and I felt like I walked into situations with them, and almost, almost caught myself dodging a bullet.

This story is definitely recommended for anyone who enjoys cleverly plotted and well written romantic suspense stories. I received a copy of Lethal Standoff via NetGalley. The opinions are my own.

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

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