Kings Falling by Ronie Kendig

Kings Falling is one of those books that attracts you with the title, grabs you with the first page and doesn’t allow you to stop reading until the end. Oh my.

I did the reading equivalent of a gallop through Storm Rising. I loved the characters, the pace, the plot and all its twists, and the intrigue. There’s no doubt Kendig is a master storyteller and this latest offering is further confirmation. Kings Falling deepens the urgency of recovering the ancient Book of the Wars, takes the reader zigzagging across the globe. Perhaps most chilling – it deepens the mystery surrounding main character Leif Metcalfe’s missing six months.

Several of the supporting characters step into the limelight in this book and it’s great to see Peyton, Adam, Mercy and Cell play bigger parts. That said, the reader gains more insight into reformed assassin Iskra’s new life as a member of Reaper team, as well as a further dive into Leif’s family background.

All told, this is a stunning book that doesn’t stop moving until the very end. The final line will leave Kendig fans both cold and counting the days until the series conclusion, Soul Raging is released (November 3).

For readers who love a great thriller, this whole series is a must-read.

Visit Ronie Kendig’s website here…

To buy or read an excerpt of Kings Falling, click here…

And for my review of the first in this amazing series, Storm Rising, click here…

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