Just Above a Whisper by Lori Wick

Just Above a Whisper is one of my favorite books.

There are many writers I fully enjoy reading. But few whose work I claim to completely love. Lori Wick is one of them. I’ve read about half of everything she’s ever written and can happily reread her books annually, a good indicator that her work is excellent.

The Tucker Mills Trilogy is quiet and charming but also pretty eventful with plenty of twists and a couple of shocks before the end. Even though it’s a trilogy, each of the books Moonlight on the Millpond, Just Above a Whisper, and Leave a Candle Burning can be read as standalone novels. The second book, Just Above a Whisper is my favorite so I’m going to review that today.

It’s worth noting that Wick was first published in 1990 and has written pretty steadily since then. The Tucker Mills books came out in 2005 and 2006. The thing I love about these books is the way Wick weaves vivid characters with compelling storylines while having her secondary characters simmering nicely in the background, stepping in and out as needed but painted with no less clarity.

For instance none of the books feature the pastor and his family as the main characters, but yet I feel as though I know them equally well.

Connor and Reese

Just Beyond a Whisper tells the story of Reese, an indentured servant, and bank owner Connor. They really come from two different worlds and both have tragedy in their past to overcome before they can even consider a friendship. However, Wick shows us that with Christ at the center, anything is possible. We get to see both of them wrestle with their issues within the framework of faith and both of them leaning on their pastor and his wife at different times. Not many authors weave Biblical truth into the very heart of their novels like Wick and as an aspiring fiction writer, reading her work (The English Garden Series is another example) is like taking a master class.

I’d highly recommend the whole trilogy. They’re quick to read yet still contain deep spiritual discussions that will set you thinking about your own faith journey.


In researching Lori Wick I discovered some legal problems within her church community and family. Charges were brought against those considered to have broken the law, Lori Wick was not among them. There have been a lot of opinions shared across social media about what happened. I wrestled with whether it was wise to review her books. But here’s the thing I couldn’t escape – her work is some of the best Christian fiction I’ve read (and I have read a lot) and it felt cowardly not to write about a series of books I love. But I also couldn’t pretend that some people have chosen to no longer read her work. In reviewing this book I’m not condoning anything that may have happened at Lori Wick’s church.

I just know I’m not picking up the first stone.

To read an excerpt or buy a copy, click here…

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