Honor Bound

Honor’s Refuge

by Hallee Bridgeman

Honor’s Refuge is the third in the Love and Honor series, and the third book in the series I couldn’t put down. Hallee Bridgeman probably owes me a tube of concealer for the nights I’ve stayed up way late reading.

Unlike the first two books that largely feature military action, this story takes place in the civilian world, but with imported skills. Phil Osborne lost a leg during a rescue mission (in book one). A qualified doctor and combat medic, he’s now splitting his time between working as an EMT and volunteering at his church, where he met Melissa, who runs a shelter for victims of domestic abuse. Melissa knows Phil is the one for her, but their friendship shows no signs of moving into anything more.

The beauty of this book is the deep dive into self worth and where that should come from. Phil cannot see himself as whole after his amputation. Melissa sees him as nothing but complete. The two work together to protect Melissa’s sister and finally, love blossoms.

But this is a Hallee Bridgeman book and so there’s a LOT of trouble in the background. Really, it’s a masterclass in how to keep tension going all through a story. Phil and Melissa’s relationship is fought and ultimately won amid the hardest of circumstances and it is beautiful to read. Highly recommended.

Honor's Refuge

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