His Perfect Match

His Perfect Match by Andrea Boyd

His Perfect Match is a delightful and quick read that’ll charm readers who enjoy contemporary romance. This story is a hoot. Mark Griffin shot to social media fame after posting about being a southern gentleman with five older sisters. The catch is that he’s the only son and has never brought a girl home to meet his momma.

Dreaming of a wife and children, Mark launch a contest to find a date for Valentine’s Day, unprepared for the deluge of postcards he’d receive. And that might have worked, except he met a girl the day after the contest began. Bakery owner Avigail Cohen isn’t flashy. She’s focused on work and wider family after getting her heart broken. The instant celebrity that goes with Mark’s circle of friends, makes her want to hide.

But Mark pursues her and Avi doesn’t argue. However, when there are thousands upon thousands of fans and followers, life cannot be simple. Mark and Ari’s sweet attraction, their pragmatism in the face of mayhem and their earnest desire to follow the Lord all made this book a treat to read. I stayed up late to finish this story and recommend it for anyone who enjoys contemporary romance.

I received a copy of His Perfect Match from the author, the sincere enjoyment is all my own.

Buy a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

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