For a Lifetime

For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer

Wow, For a Lifetime is another astonishing book in the excellent Timeless series.

I loved the first two and couldn’t believe after such complex time crossing storylines, the author would attempt the same feat with twin sisters. Just wow. I have to admit, I’m not a lover of the Salem Witch Trials as a backdrop, but the tension the situation created was so masterfully used that Ms Meyer needs to take a bow.

The alternative timeline was a real treat for me as it took place in the very early stages of aviation, and I’m a pilot’s wife. Both timeframes held significant challenges and more than one shark intake of breath shocks. Then comes the twist about two thirds of the way though, so clever it made my head hurt as I worked through the ramifications.

As ever, the historical research seems meticulous and I felt the anxiety in Salem and the excitement at every airfield. I can hardly wait for book four to see what could possibly top the first three.

I received a copy of For a Lifetime from the publisher via NetGalley. The enjoyment is all my own.

For a Lifetime

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

Visit Gabrielle Meyer’s website

Check out the first two books in the Timeless series

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