Finding You

Finding You, by Amy Clipston

Finding You is yet another lovely sweet story from Amy Clipston, who’s fast becoming a go-to author for me. Darcey is struggling to connect after her fiancé died eighteen months ago, collecting medication for her. That’s until a chance encounter with Carter, who is trying to dig himself out of debt after an emergency kidney transplant.

The pair have an instant connection although neither wants to admit their health issues, and Carter doesn’t think he’s good enough for Darcey because she’s from money and he’s a mechanic. But slowly and carefully, new love blossoms, despite hesitancy on both sides. That is, until a shocking discovery implodes their relationship.

There are so many things to enjoy about this story. From the sensitive way organ donation is handled, to the tentative nature of new love after heartbreak, the book is crafted with a deft hand. The way the two are pulled together and the circumstances that allow their feelings to grow is very clever. Then the way the relationship blows up has such an emotional impact, you can tell this is a skilled author. If you want a contemporary romance with all the feels, this one’s definitely recommended.

I received a copy of Finding You from the publisher via NetGalley. The views are my own.

Finding You

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

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