Fairest of Hearts is a near perfect literary trifecta. Strong faith based romance, retired cowhands (Seven to be precise) and Karen Witemeyer at the helm. What’s not to love? Throw in a life-sized portion of Texas and a scurrilous villain, and boom. Readers are in for a treat.
It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to recognize a reimagining of Snow White and the updated story is clever. Our heroine is one Penelope Snow. Her Prince Charming, Titus is a Texas Ranger, and her dwarves are the retired gentleman of the Diamond D ranch (a delightful ensemble). There’s no sign of Maleficent here, but Narcissa LaBelle makes the blood run cold with her ruthless pursuit of other folks riches.
Penelope is inadvertently caught up in Narcissa’s antics. That left it up to Titus and the men of the Diamond D to save more than her reputation. Penelope’s life and the lives of those she’s come to love are all at stake.
You can’t beat a good fairytale, not for me. But I’m not usually a fan of reworking the old stories. However, a deft hand wrote this. The relationship between emotionally wounded Titus and badly treated Penny is handled sensitively, with every step of the story infused with scripture. That said, this book isn’t preachy at all.
Give me dwarves
For me though, my favorite part is the substitute dwarves. These seven are awesome. From the medic (Doc), to Coy (Bashful) and Rowdy (Dopey) onwards. Even Jeb (Grumpy) found his way into my heart. No wonder they utterly enchanted Penelope. Between the clever roles each of the seven plays, to the imaginative way the villain strikes the ranch, this book is highly enjoyable from start to finish.
I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley. The total enjoyment is all my own.
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