Embers in the London Sky

Embers in the London Sky, by Sarah Sundin

Embers in the London Sky is a wonderful story that’s sure to capture readers hearts. Sarah Sundin is among the finest writers covering World War II and as with previous novels, the research is spotless.

While fleeing to England, Aleida is separated from her sweet three year old son and then widowed all within the blink of an eye. Panicked and alone, she reaches London determined to locate Theo and reunite their little family. She needs the help of BBC radio correspondent Hugh Collingwood as she searches for Theo, while working for an evacuation agency that sends children to the country.

But Hugh is also investigating a series of murders, all while trying to hold down his career. And don’t forget all this is going on with the war as a backdrop. Suffice it to say, there’s plenty of action. With this book, Sundin will move readers with the plight of Aleida, and the dangerous path her search takes her. As with other works, the author excels at weaving history into fiction, adding humanity and crafting a compelling read. This book will delight and satisfy those who love this time period.

Embers in the London Sky

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK).

Visit Sarah Sundin’s website.

Check out some other wonderful books from Sarah Sundin.

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