Critical Threat

Critical Threat by Lynette Eason

Critical Threat is the third installment of the thrilling Extreme Measures series from Lynette Eason.

In this third installment of the gripping Extreme Measures Series, Special Agent Grace Billingsley, an FBI behavioral analyst is tracking a serial killer. Prison psychiatrist Sam Monroe joins the investigation because his own father is also a killer and the new wave of deaths bear some alarming similarities.

Their collaboration begins awkwardly as they’d met before, with Sam catching Grace’s interest, until he ghosted her. The two put their past aside as the bodies start to mount up, along with the mutual attraction.

I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced and unpredictable story from one of the romantic suspense greats. I liked Grace’s courage and determination to face down whatever evil is running amok. Sam was relatable as a stressed-out single dad, also focused on doing the best job he can before more lives are lost.

As the killer toys with them both, a crazy twist leads to an ending I didn’t anticipate, but enjoyed nonetheless. For fans of romantic suspense, this is definitely recommended.

I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley. The opinions are my own.

Critical Threat

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