
Countdown, by Lynette Eason

A fantastic series deserves a fitting conclusion and Countdown, by Lynette Eason certainly delivers that.

This fourth offering in the Extreme Measures series features flight medic Raina Price. She’s successfully hidden from a deadly past for over a decade, but a chance news report throws her back into harm’s way.

Vincent Corelli is a US Marshall, and when Raina is nearly killed before his eyes, he steps in to keep her safe. The two must work together to stop the stalker who’s targeting her, before it’s too late.

But this is a Lynette Eason novel, so no, of course it’s nowhere near that simple. There are more twists and turns than the average trip to Six Flags in this story. The book is tightly written and the plight of the characters compelling.

The entire Extreme Measures series has been well done. It’s worth noting that each book is a standalone story, but I think it’s more fun to read them all. That way, when other characters show up, you have the fun of knowing them, like old friends. I love that.

If you’re looking for a good romantic suspense story, then Countdown is highly recommended.


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Visit Lynette Eason’s website

Check out the rest of the Extreme Measures books

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