Concrete Evidence by DiAnn Mills

Concrete Evidence certainly kept me guessing. Romantic suspense served up just how I like it.

The book centers around a former senator and his granddaughter accused of adjusting the designs of a dam to cut costs and make money. But when bodies start dropping, the fight to keep Avery Elliott and her grandpa overtake the suspicion that surrounds them. Enter FBI Special Agent Marc Wilkins. His estranged father was close to the senator and is collateral damage as the body count grows.

I liked a lot of things about Concrete Evidence. I trusted the the technical parts about dam construction, and the author made her meticulous research clear. The book is set in Texas and felt like it, without it being overdone or clichéd. I lived in Fort Worth for several years and this felt like going back to our former home.

As is often the case with a DiAnn Mills story, there are a number of potential suspects and a couple of false flags, however, it wasn’t until I was around ninety percent of the way through that I figured it out. There is plenty of action, this is a romantic suspense. But the trouble is understated and not gratuitous.

Concrete Evidence has great characters that climbed into my heart quickly. I read this book in three days. That tells you everything you need to know. Highly recommended.

Concrete Evidence

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