Collision of Lies by Tom Threadgill

Collision of Lies is my first book by Tom Threadgill and what an introduction to a new author!

I must admit, with an endorsement by Lynette Eason saying she didn’t want to put it down, I was excited to open this book. And I wasn’t disappointed. Instead, I was reeled in by the opening scene and fully gripped from the shocking end of the first chapter. I did indeed struggle to put this book down.

Detective Amara Alvarez is enjoying a quiet breakfast until an argument at another table pulls her into a family drama and leads her to one of the most horrific accidents in Texas history. Unless it wasn’t an accident.

Tom Threadgill’s Collision of Lies is a masterclass in quietly upping the stakes and the tension until he drops you over the cliff of satisfying conclusion. Amara has great relationships with her colleagues, family and yes, pet iguana, Larry. Her tenacity in pursuing an event everyone wrote off as an accident is compelling to watch, and despite being a seasoned thriller, mystery and suspense reader, I didn’t see all most of the developments coming.

With vivid characters and two plot twists that made my jaw drop, I’d highly recommend this book. I’ll be watching for his next offering… and wishing he’d hurry up!

To check out a free excerpt, click here…

For Tom Threadgill’s website, click here…

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