Before We Were Us

Before We Were Us, by Denise Hunter

Before We Were Us swept me away. I read this book on vacation in just over day. I’ve read a LOT of Denise Hunter stories and this might be my very favorite.

The premise is how a very happy couple is ripped apart by memory loss on the day a proposal was planned. The story then splits to when they first met and disliked each other instantly, through their relationship to the point of the memory loss. A second thread shows us the pain for both sides when Lauren can’t remember ever liking Jonah, much less loving him.

I loved many things about the book. First of all the setting. There’s something clever about the way the resort is part of the characterization in the book. With just a few deft statements, I placed myself on the jetty or at the fire pit eating s’mores. Both main characters had me pulling for them instantly. Jonah is easier to like because Lauren become defensive and guarded. But then I put myself in her shoes and understood her perspective.

The best part is the romance, or really double romance. Because very cleverly, Hunter allows us to see this couple fall in love twice under the same yet very different circumstances. If you like contemporary romances, this one is at the top of my highly recommended list.

I received a copy of Before We Were Us from the publisher via NetGalley. The joy of reading it is all my own

Before We Were Us

Grab a copy or read an excerpt here (US) or here (UK)

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