Before I Called You Mine by Nicole Deese

Before I Called You Mine. Oh my. I am trying to give fewer five star reviews, but for this one, I need at least six. Seriously now.

Lauren is clear on what she wants from page one. To be a mother. To adopt an orphan from China and love them with her whole heart. As part of that, she commits to staying single. Then Joshua arrives as a substitute teacher across the hall. He’s everything she’d ever dreamed of in a man, and so much more. His interest in her is clear from that first meeting, but while Lauren’s heart must stay focused on China.

But then a twist I didn’t see coming changes everything and the two fall head of heels in love. Until a call from the adoption agency changes everything again.

Nicole Deese has penned an absolute winner here. I smiled, laughed, teared up, gasped, winced, smiled and, at the very end, sighed a very satisfied sigh.

The characters climbed right into my heart along with their extended family and friends. I adored visiting Idaho in winter (I love snow). The adoption stories were handled sensitively, with honesty and just enough humor, and the romance had me falling in love right alongside them.

I loved this book and hope you will too.

Connect with Nicole Deese via her website here…

To grab a preview of Before I Called you Mine, or buy a copy, click here…

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