All That is Hidden is one of those impressive books that reels you in quickly. The story is set in a small mountain town. The type where everyone knows everyone else’s business, and catalogs the escapades of Tina and her brother.
There’s much excitement when plans to build a theme park are approved, despite her father’s heated objections. He then steps down as the head of the town council and stops taking communion. The books then examines small town life, love and the possibility of redemption when everyone thinks they know everything about you. By the end of the book, it becomes clear this is not the case. At all.
The gentle story follows the brother and sister double act through scrapes and intrigues and misadventure and if you’re a fan of the antics of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, then you’ll throughly enjoy this book.
For me the most impressive part isn’t the creativity of the storyline. For me, the characterization is everything here. The people in this story world pull you in to their lives. They share their traditions, and charm you with their dialect. I ca’t say more without giving away spoilers that I don’t want to let lose.
Let’s end like this: if you like stories that transport you to another time and place, then I highly recommend All that is Hidden. It’s a trip that’ll warm your heart.

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