The Brightest of Dreams by Susan Anne Mason

The Brightest of Dreams by Susan Anne Mason gets five stars from me. This new-to-me author has delivered a great story on so many levels. Her book centers on Quinten Aspinall, a former valet who has returned from serving in World War One. He discovers his mother dying in the workhouse and his younger siblings sent to Canada as orphans.

Asking his employer to allow him time to go and find the children, Quinten sets off with the second task of bringing the Lord’s niece back with him.

Julia Holloway left England to assist a wounded soldier as he returned to his homeland. When her patient dies, estranged from her uncle, she’s left destitute and cleaning floors to scrape by. As she learns to trust Quentin, it looks like her problems may be over, until a shocking discovery changes everything.

Quinten battles to locate his brothers and sister and eventually discovers some horrific abuse. Thankfully he is able to save one brother from a cruel farmer and makes contact with the other Aspinall refugees.

Set in the backdrop of World War One, and shining light on a little known and utterly heartbreaking post war situation, The Brightest of Dreams showcases the human capacity to love beyond reason and fight when hope seems lost.

I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the British Home Children and was kept guessing as to the outcome of all the story threads until the very end. If love stories, difficult odds, and a glimpse at another time and place appeal to you as a reader, this is a book I’d highly recommend.

Read an excerpt or buy the book here…

Check out Susan Anne Mason’s website here…

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