A Distance Too Grand by Regina Scott

A Distance Too Grand offers a fascinating glimpse into the early survey teams that battled the mind-blowing expanse of the Grand Canyon. The story includes a sweet romance, with a delicious cast of supporting characters.

Regina Scott is a new-to-me author but the cover were too enticing for me not to pick up this book. The story didn’t disappoint. Take a determined young, female photographer and drop her into a pioneering Army survey crew, lead by her former flame and boom. As the plot twists and turns to mirror the fissures in the canyon, the pages will turn themselves.

The romantic tension, attitudes towards a woman and the harshness of the climate apparently aren’t enough to keep readers turning the pages. So Scott throws in a possible saboteur and the search for a missing relative.

Ben and Meg’s story is both historically fascinating and personally heartwarming. Tightly written with wonderful details, I’ll be looking out for the second book in the series.

To read an excerpt or buy a copy, click here.

To check out Regina Scott’s website or connect with her, click here.

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