McAlister Family Series by Carrie Turansky

Carrie Turansky’s McAlister Family series highlights the difficulties faced by British Home Children, emigrated to Canada. The stories happen ten years apart. Each shows the children forcibly taken abroad, and the lengths their family went to, to reunite them.  Sensitively written, the stories of Katie, Garth and little Grace will tug your heart strings. Thankfully, … Continue reading McAlister Family Series by Carrie Turansky

Things We Didn’t Say by Amy Lynn Green

Things We Didn’t Say is an impressive debut. The well conceived story positions Green as a promising historical romance author. Brilliant language student Johanna Berglund is forced home from university to work as a translator in a German PoW camp in Minnesota. The facility’s commander hoped she could mollify the unhappy townspeople as she’s also … Continue reading Things We Didn’t Say by Amy Lynn Green