WORD, by Debb Hackett

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1

John’s Gospel is arguably the most widely read of the 27 books in the New Testament. Known for giving a subtly different account of Jesus time on earth to the other three gospels, John recorded events as an eyewitness. He often had a shoulder-to-shoulder viewpoint, when not up to his armpits in whatever was happening (can you imagine?).

The Greek translation (I once heard J. John, the British evangelist warn a congregation that most times when folks unpack Greek, they get it wrong, but I’m referencing lots of sources here), of the word logos, means speaking a message or words. 

In his opening line, John starts the way he means to go on – as an unequivocal truth teller, and he points to God being eternal. His words exist throughout time. The word, God was there at the beginning. The word was also with God, in company with or relationship with. Indeed, the word IS God. The two are one.

Further on, John explains that the word made all things, re-establishing God as creator of all. Words have tremendous power. God used them speak creation into being. To tell the stars where to hang, the flowers how to bloom and the mountains how high to grow to best display their splendor. 

And this is why the weekly devotion will focus on a different single word (in context), from scripture. Because I believe God is in every word of scripture, breathing life and His saving power to those who read and believe. There’s an amazing team of writers joining me, and we’ll learn a little more about each one as the weeks go by. We are in for some treats. Ones that draw us a little closer to the Lord. I hope and pray you’ll stick with us for the journey. 

About the author

Debb Hackett is an award winning author, broadcaster and speaker. Her heart is to tell stories of faith that point to the hope and love of God. She’s married to a military pilot, mom to two medium sized girls and in her spare time loves to play guitar, ski and read. Baking is her love language.

Debb has her first devotional published in this collection…

To learn more about her writing, visit Debb’s main website…

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