
Thankful, by Becky Antkowiak

Be thankful in every situation as a whole and for every minute detail. This is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  — 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (Becky’s No-nonsense Paraphrase)

Thankful Pollyanna

One of my favorite childhood movies was Pollyanna, the story of an orphan sent to live with a stern aunt. Pollyanna’s father taught her to play “The Glad Game” to cope with disappointment—whenever she didn’t get what she wanted, she looked for a reason to be thankful. Throughout the movie, eternally optimistic Pollyanna helps her new neighbors find ways to be thankful. The vibe of the town changes from standoffish to warm and caring. Even the aunt, who only took Pollyanna in because of a sense of duty, finally softens. And when tragedy comes for Pollyanna, all her neighbors remind her what she taught them. 

Thankful is a Choice

The term “Pollyanna” has become a descriptor (sometimes used with an eye-roll) of an optimistic person. Being Pollyanna is a conscious decision—and  choosing to be thankful can be difficult, particularly if we’ve been hurt by other humans or by life. Frustration raises my blood pressure. Anger aches my head. I’ve found “God’s will” is a better, calmer, happier place to live. 

Thankful in Interactions

Particularly when another human is involved in a less-than-perfect scenario, I make up a story about the person (writer-brain never sleeps). The guy who cut me off in traffic? His wife’s in labor. The grumpy cashier just found out her husband’s military assignment changed and she has to move to Alaska. Recognizing their day might also be tough helps me to be thankful. 

Thankful in Everything

Thessalonians 5:18 doesn’t say to be thankful only during the great experience—in fact, the Greek word used covers “everything as a whole” and “every single solitary, minute detail.” 

Sitting in traffic isn’t fun, but maybe that delay keeps us out of an accident. Losing someone to the separation of death is always horrific, but even in the worst possible circumstances from a human standpoint, we can find evidence of God’s presence and care. Being Pollyanna is not a flippant disregard for difficult circumstances, but is the result of knowing we can find blessings to be thankful for if we intentionally focus on finding them. 

Thankful for a Reason

God didn’t command us to be thankful in everything because he’s unfeeling or not empathetic. He wants the best for us. He knows a focus on being thankful doesn’t change our circumstance—it changes the way we respond. A thankful heart helps us survive.

Thankful Challenge

No matter what we’re going through this week, let’s take a few moments—especially in the middle of difficulty—to look for the good. To look for evidence of God’s love and give thanks. Let’s be a little Pollyanna. And if that makes a difference in your outlook or your outcome, come back and tell us about it. 💙

Becky Antkowiak

Meet Becky… 

Becky Antkowiak (ant-KO-vee-ack) is a writer, speaker, editor, Compassion International advocate, enthusiastic Grammar Floozy, and is the Chief Encouragement Officer of 540 Writers Community. A lifelong serial extrovert, Becky believes strangers are friends she hasn’t met. Fair warning: make eye contact only if you want a friend for life. 

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