
Story, by Kimberley Woodhouse

“Then Jesus told him this story…” Luke 7:41 (NLT)

The word that has really been on my mind for you guys is one I already used back in 2022. But it was so heavy on my heart and mind that I had to share it again in a little different way.

The word is STORY.

Over and over in the New Testament we see how Jesus shared stories. “One day Jesus told a story…” “Jesus replied with a story…” “Then, teaching them more about prayer, he used this story…” There are many others. 

But Jesus isn’t the only one equipped to share stories. If we look back in Luke chapter two we see this: “All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished…”

These guys weren’t the typical ones people turned to for a good story. They smelled like the animals they cared for. They were probably a little rough around the edges. And yet, all who heard were astonished. That means that people listenedto the story! Why? What’s the key?

Feel the drama

My Dad used to do dramatic sermons as a pastor. It wasn’t often, but maybe once a year or so, he would dress up as a Biblical character, use that sticky glue stuff to put on a long beard, and come down one of the aisles of the sanctuary telling… a story. He would completely get into character and it would have hundreds upon hundreds of people—women, men, children, young, old—completely mesmerized.

My personal favorite was when he—and several other men from the church—dressed up as shepherds at Christmastime and they reenacted what it must have been like to have these shepherds from the fields burst into town and share what they witnessed. 

I have to admit, I’d never seen my dad so animated and passionate as he was that day. Shouting from the aisles about the Savior, walking straight up to people with utter joy all over his face, grabbing shoulders of men to get them to listen. Man, it was incredible to watch.

Story is powerful

Watching Dad and those other men dramatically portray the shepherds is something that will always stick with me. As I think about it now, I’m reminded that God can use each and every one of us whether we are full-time storytellers or not. We have the greatest story ever to share with people. Why aren’t we sharing it more often? With enthusiasm and utter joy? 

I’m going to put a challenge forth to each and every one of you reading this Word on Wednesday again. Go back and read my post from 2022:
Then go out and share your story. You never know how God can use it. There’s someone who needs to hear it. Right now. And then, you just might have the opportunity to share another story with them. One that is eternal and life-changing. 

Let’s all go tell a story…

Until next time,

Kimberley Woodhouse

In STORY, by Kimberley Woodhouse, we hear about the power in of storytelling and how narratives can be used to glorify God. We hope this blesses you. Share on X
Kimberley Woodhouse

Kimberley Woodhouse is an award-winning and bestselling author of more than twenty-five books. A lover of history, she’s sucked into the past and her husband lures her out with chocolate and golf. Passionate about in-depth Bible study, she has been a Precept Leader for many years. Married to the love of her life for three decades, she lives and writes in Colorado. She wears the hat of the “coolest grandma.”

To find out more about Kim’s books, follow her on social media, and sign up for her newsletter/blog, visit her website

Find more of The Word on Wednesday, here

One thought on “Story, by Kimberley Woodhouse

  1. Deena Adams says:

    Thanks for the reminder that we have the greatest story ever to share with people, Kimberly! May God’s story reach far and wide through each of us!

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