REFRESH by Beth Duewel

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25

Last month, we celebrated our anniversary on the island of Saint John. We figured the years flashed by, why not go someplace slow? And we loved it. Because on a sluggish island you have no push, no pressure, and no rush to be anywhere other than a coconut-sized piece of land tucked in by the aqua sea. There was the small effort to stay on the right side of the road…no the wrong side…which was the left side…and not the right side of anything, at all! STILL. The clouds moved in different directions while the clock circled back and slow. This is how island time works, I guess.

And although the power barely functioned, or the cell service and Wi-Fi rarely operated—my inside watch just could not stop! It was frustrating. Even the iguanas perched themselves super chill in the trees and one-eyed watched me because, “You’re in paradise, people person, what exactly is your problem?!” It took exactly 86 thousand and 400 hundred seconds (which is a lot of hot seconds) to settle down and remember:


We know there is no quick fix to a fresh perspective, but it’s always a soul welcome when we decide to “just settle down, people persons.” For sure, mind-hurry is just another burden our spirits attempt to carry around. 

Along with mind-hurry, a sense of exhaustion can sometimes take its toll. Spiritually too, weariness can really wipe us out. Is there a way to keep up at work, pace with the kids, and satisfy all the hopes of today but still encounter deep refreshment from God? Can there be calm in the chaos?  

We see that this verse from Jeremiah (above), was written in the middle of destructive times and hardened hearts. The struggle was strong. Yet, in the middle of the heart-heavy battle, God promised, “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” For seventy years the Israelites clung to this hope of revived life. God did not disappoint. Every time we encounter God, we walk away more alive, still and satisfied. 

Even today let’s slowdown in the summer sun. Be creative. Journal. Play. Learn something new or refresh an old skill. We can fight the tendency to rush through and miss what God is trying to reveal about Himself. Sure, sometimes we must ignore the iguana stares and get things done. But maybe not today, friends. Not today. 


Beth Duewel is an Author, Speaker, and Blogger. She is co-author to the Fix Her Upper Series: Fix Her Upper: Hope and Laughter, Fix Her Upper 90 Day Devotional, Fix Her Upper: Reclaim Your HAPPY Space, and Fix Her Upper Christmas.

Visit Beth’s website

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2 thoughts on “

  1. Ann Westerman says:

    What a good reminder. I wish you could have sent the island along with it. I need an island, a pool, a palm tree, even an iguana… would be good. an iced tea… I’ll take my book–P.D. James’ The Private Patient (I’ve already had to look up two words, maybe I’ll take a different book–although James’ extensive vocab is one of the things I admire about her writing. It doesn’t pay to ignore these words. Some of them provide clues to the murderer. )
    And on that note, blessings,

  2. Lori Altebaumer says:

    What a perfect message for my day as we drive along headed to our “slow down” spot in the mountains. It doesn’t matter how many times I hear this, I still need to be reminded daily. Beautiful post Beth.

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