
Neglect, by Melissa Carey

For this reason it is crucial for us to pay especially close attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved to be firm, and every violation and disobedience received a just payback, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?  Hebrews 2:1-3a

I returned from an extended trip late last night. Inevitably, as the taxi made its way from the airport toward home, I envisioned returning to a pile of smoldering embers, or a trail of my looted belongings scattered across the lawn, or being greeted by the smell of wet plaster and mildew as a result of a pipe overflow. I assume I’m not the only one who does this!

Fortunately, the only casualty waiting for me was a severely neglected garden, weedy and desiccated yellow from the lack of rain.

This morning, as I weeded in the cracks between the bricks of the pathway and hosed the withering shrubs, I realized that I had come home feeling thirstier than my neglected garden.

The nation I visited is beautiful, filled with incredible landscapes, enormous modern cities, intricate temples, ancient artwork and gracious people. But there was nothing to nourish my faith. No cathedrals, churches, or even chapels to duck into out of the heat to say a prayer and feel the peaceful presence of the Trinity. No exciting adventure of worshipping in a foreign place on Sunday, because there was nowhere to worship. No Christian radio stations to restore my soul. No one wearing a cross around their neck to remind me of the communion of saints. Internet service to reach my favorite prayer app was spotty at best. I had even failed to bring a devotional with me! My cup was empty.

King David Understands

I deeply related to David when he wrote in Psalm 63, “My soul thirsts for you. My body longs for you in a dry and weary land, where there is no water.

I was neither fed, nor watered, nor weeded for several weeks. I had neglected my relationship with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I sensed the weeds sprouting in my heart when I found myself impatient in line. Or when annoyed by confusing signage in an foreign language or, worse, passing judgment on the people beside me! 

Hebrews warns us that it is crucial we keep a firm grip on the words of instruction and inspiration brought by heaven’s messengers…lest we drift away. How can we neglect or ignore such great gifts as God’s words, deeds, miracles or gifts of the Holy Spirit?

As summer comes to a close, I eagerly anticipate resuming my usual rhythm of daily devotions, weekly Bible studies and Sunday services to pull me from the spiritual lethargy and neglect of this summer. While my trip was filled with beauty and took me out of my comfort zone to inspire me to see and taste and try new things, I will be sure to tuck a hard copy of a devotional in my suitcase before my next trip! No more drifting away!

Meet Melissa…

The fabulous Melissa Carey

Melissa Carey is a Bible Study leader in Arlington, Virginia. Her passion for the nativity story led her to share the joy of Christmas with others through The Christmas Cabinet. This glorious advent calendar becomes a nativity scene. The accompanying booklet weaves together Old Testament Messianic prophecies, Roman history and the salvation joy found only in Christ.  

Visit Melissa’s amazing Christmas Cabinet website

Find more Words on Wednesday

2 thoughts on “Neglect, by Melissa Carey

  1. Becky Antkowiak says:

    You’re not alone— we’ve come home to leaks more than once, and finally learned to turn off the water breaker before leaving. 🙂

    And yes, it’s so easy to become parched, even here. So many distractions.

  2. Kathy Bailey says:

    This is good, Melissa. SO many things get in the way. It’s so easy, scarily easy, to put other things first. Because they crowd their way in, and God doesn’t push.

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