More, by Debb Hackett

But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and green and tomorrow is tossed into the furnace, will He not much more surely clothe you, O you of little faith? Matt 6:30

The guys on my former worship team wrote a great song called More of You. It speaks of a people longing to experience more of the Lord. More of him working their life, and also, in their hearts. Could that be where you’re at today? I always feel like I could be much closer to God. I listen to ministry leaders and friends of faith, and I wish for their relationship with Jesus.

But then, my heart with the very short memory reminds me (probably by the Holy Spirit’s gentle nudging), that He’s always there, even if I’m not paying attention. Hindsight is 20/20 for this. Recent evidence includes an astonishing ministry win. I live on a military base where officers are trained. There’s a Bible study for them, and always looking to roll up my sleeves, I offered to bake or help in any way. I was told that no, extra, outside hands were not needed. They wanted to keep the leadership team static. Three months later, the leader asked me to take over in his stead.

God Does More

I’d asked for one thing, and received so much more. The study is hard work. It takes effort. Causes some inconvenience. And is brilliant. Seeing future military leaders grow their faith is beyond thrilling. The Bible is full of accounts of Jesus being asked for one thing but doing so much more. The paralyzed man, lowered through the roof for healing also had his sins forgiven. The woman with twelve years of bleeding received physical healing. But this was done in such a public way I’m certain her loneliness after being unclean for so long, was also repaired, and then some. Everyone would want to know what her experience of Jesus was like.

A Generous God

We don’t follow a tightfisted Lord. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1 Instead, we serve one who loves us enough to go to the cross so we would face eternal life in paradise with him. We messed up with sin and He paid that price in the worst way imaginable. No matter the ask, God always delivers more. My challenge to you is to draw closer, give God more of your time, more of your heart and then marvel at His response. I guarantee it’ll be more than you imagined or dreamed.

In More, by Debb Hackett, consider what God has done for you and how you can draw closer to Him in response. Share on X
Debb Hackett

I’m a military wife, mom to two teenage girls, Young Lifer, worship leader, baker and poor but ardent skier. I bleed green and gold (go Pack) and love Jesus. I’ve written a Bible study for military wives and I’m working hard on a contemporary romance series. 

If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...

And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here

6 thoughts on “More, by Debb Hackett

  1. Kathy Bailey says:

    Debb, this is deep and so welcome. The only way to serve Him is to want more of Him. I feel so much closer to God since my daughter died, but I know there’s always a further way to go. Until we leave this lifetime. Thanks Debb.

    • Debb Hackett says:

      I know when we have been through the worst things, they’ve always propelled me closer to the Lord and I’m beyond grateful for that. Because there is always hope there. Thank you for your honesty and encouragement, friend.

  2. Cheri Fuller says:

    Debb, how lovely to get to read your insights on this in “More.” I just saw that you write regularly so I’ll keep an eye out. Love and hugs to you and your sweet family. ❤️ Cheri

    • Debb Hackett says:

      I learned devotional writing by reading and loving a lot of your work, dear one. You are amazing.

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