I have become a marvel to many, for you are my strong refuge. Psalm 71:7 NASB
While on a hike in the mountains yesterday I spotted a tree growing atop of a rather large rock. Though the rock was larger than an SUV, and appeared solid, somehow this tree had found a way to take root and thrive. The fact that he (or she) wasn’t planted in good soil wasn’t going to stop him from being exactly what God created him to be. And he wasn’t in the least bit intimidated to be growing in a place he shouldn’t. In fact, he looked to be thriving and happy.
According to the dictionary, to marvel means to be filled with wonder or amazed. This is an accurate description for my feeling as I pondered the tree on top of the rock. This symbol of botanical fortitude caused me to consider my own standing among the rocks of this world.
To stand among the rocks of discontent, fear, hate, and everything else the world offers but the Bible warns us about takes determination. To stand on the Rock takes faith.
Am I living my life in such a way as to make those who see me wonder at my faith? Do I exhibit a peace that goes beyond their understanding and expectations for the trials I may face? Am I determined to stand firm for my faith even when the ground feels more like rocky soil hostile to the Christian faith.
Have I become a marvel to any, much less many?
Resilience and grit
Here’s the other thing about that little tree. He would have looked the same and functioned the same had he been planted in fertile soil and protected from all the harmful things that try to destroy him. He might have been bigger or reached greater heights. But he wouldn’t have been impressive than he was standing alone on his boulder. I might have given him a passing glance and noted his pleasing appearance, but I wouldn’t have been drawn into a state of wonder at his resilience and grit. His determination to take a stand in the most unlikely of places wouldn’t have inspired me to wonder.
I have the same opportunity to live a marvelous life—a miraculous and supernatural life. It is possible—and probable—when I plant myself on the Rock. When Jesus is my strong refuge, anything is reasonable.
But just because I have the opportunity doesn’t mean I always succeed. Fear and frustration can chop me off at the roots if I let them. My goal is to become quicker at recognizing the touch of saw to the roots of my faith. And even when I fail and find myself cut me down, I can respond by sending my roots even deeper into my Rock. I can determine to grow back stronger until my life becomes like that of the tree.
Firmly rooted
When others witness me going through a trial or facing a seemingly impossible challenge—whatever the circumstances may be—may they find an example of being rooted in Christ. And may that lead them to the strong refuge I have found.
If my life isn’t causing others to marvel, then perhaps I’ve rooted myself in the wrong thing.

Lori’s second novel, A Far Way to Run, released in May 2022 to critical acclaim. In between writing, Lori enjoys traveling with her husband and visiting her adult children where she can rummage through their refrigerators and food pantries while complaining there’s nothing good to eat here.
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That was a fantastic read, Lori! Great example of “botanical fortitude!” Reading your devotion is a great way to start my first day with students.
Godspeed you in your classroom.
This confirmed again that I should grow for Christ where I am planted and then marvel about how He blesses me everyday where I am growing. This devotion really talked to me today. Thank you.
Thank you Hilda! I have no doubt God has great things for you to do right where you are planted and will equip for them from His incredible abundance! Thank you for being a marvel and a light! Blessings.
I absolutely love the visual of this truth. As always God gives timely reminders. If you ever get a chance to share a pic of that it would be awesome. Thank you for sharing.
Oh I wish I had taken a picture. Often when I’m hiking, I leave my phone behind so I can let go and just enjoy being in the moment with God. Thank you for commenting and prayers for you whether you’re in fertile soil or on a rocky ledge that your life is a marvel to everyone you meet!