Light, by Debb Hackett

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Genesis 1:3

In the beginning, when the earth was still formless, the first thing God created was light. The very first thing. When I look at the behavior of the heroes of the faith. Abraham always makes me smile because among his many flaws, whenever he arrived somewhere new, he built an altar and worshipped. That was the very first thing he did. 

As a military wife, with eight moves in twenty-three years, four of them transatlantic relocations, two of those while quite pregnant, and one during a global pandemic, I have a pattern. We get the keys, give thanks, then set up the kitchen, followed by bedrooms, including pictures. 

God’s first move? He creates light. Just two chapters later, right after the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, we see the Lord hint at a new plan to redeem us. A different kind of light is coming. We now know that light is Jesus. (John 8:12). Light is clearly a crucial element. 

Scripture teaches us that when we give our lives to Christ, He gives us the Holy Spirit to live within us. I love the picture of Pentecost. Where once the fire of God’s presence had to be kept apart from us (Moses couldn’t get near the burning bush, Exodus 3) now that fire rests on his followers (Acts 2). Now, Jesus dwells within and shines through us. So, it occurs to me, we need to be careful with that light.

Three Questions…

What is your light source? Or, put another way, how are you feeding your soul? A steady diet of God’s word, prayer and worship is recommended to keep you burning at your very brightest.

What gets in its way or filters it? The Bible warns against hiding light under a clay jar or under a bed. Is something stopping you from shining the joy of Christ to those around you? I’m not much of a photographer or physicist for that matter. But I know from watching my children learn how to take pictures and do well in science tests, that filters are things that alter light. Have circumstances altered your ability to shine? 

Where are you shining your light? While fellowship is vitally important to the body of Christ, remember that the darkness is where light is needed the most. Where could you volunteer, join in, spend time, shining? Even if it’s just bringing cookies to an unsaved family in the neighborhood or taking a shift in a food bank. There are plenty of places that need Jesus. 

37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Matthew 9:37.

Meet Debb…

Debb Hackett

I’m a military wife and mom to two teenage girls (oh, Lord, have mercy). I write contemporary romance, love to play guitar, read and ski, and I bleed green and gold (go Pack go). Swing by when I’ve been baking – the kettle is always on ready alert (alongside the coffee machine). 

If you’d like a great book on writing I helped with, here’s the link...

And you can find more Word on Wednesdays here

7 thoughts on “Light, by Debb Hackett

  1. Sarah Frantz says:

    “But I know from watching my children learn how to take pictures and do well in science tests, that filters are things that alter light. Have circumstances altered your ability to shine?”

    Thought provoking question…may He shine all the brighter in my weakness and circumstances. Thank you for this encouraging word!

    • Debb Hackett says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Sarah, and amen to shining brighter in our weakness. Hope you have a great rest of the week.

  2. Lori Altebaumer says:

    Beautiful word this morning Debb! There are times when a simple of word of gratitude or acknowledgment can be the brightest light in someone’s day. Thank you for this reminder to remove the filters and let our lights shine!

    • Debb Hackett says:

      Thank you, lovely. And yes, often the simple kind remark or compliment is a powerful tool for good.

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