
Learned, by Lori Altebaumer

“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.” Philippians 4:11

Watching my grandsons learn to content themselves in independent play is a source of contentment for me. Some do better with this than others, perhaps based on personality traits that will later be recognized as introverted or extroverted personalities. But just like Paul, we all have to learn contentment.

Counter to what we expect, being content is a learned skill, not something we are inherently born to be. The word translated as learned in the verse above actually means to learn by use or practice.

The idea of practicing being content hasn’t always been something I knew to do. I wait for the feeling first. But according to Paul, contentment is a skill I need to practice. I must engage in contentment in order to be content. I must deliberately choose to practice contentment, especially in those moments when my contentment seems least likely. 

Lessons Learned

One of my greatest lessons on contentment was during a once in a lifetime trip to Israel in 2019. While waiting on our next flight out of Laguardia, I started feeling feverish and achy. I stocked up on overpriced—but priceless—medications from the airport vendor. And proceeded to acquire a sinus infection by the time we landed in Tel Aviv. Appropriately medicated, I made it through the first half of our tour. But there came a day when I was miserable. I went to bed as soon as the day was over, miserable from the sickness, but even more miserable that I was on this incredible trip, and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to join the tour the next morning.

To be honest, I was a little bit mad and a whole lot of sad as I downed my medicine and tucked myself into bed that night. My prayers were truly reflective of what was in my heart as I drifted off to sleep. I think they went something like, “Why Lord? Why? I tried to be in good health in the days leading up to this trip. Studied and prepared. Spent money. I traveled halfway around the world to see You.”

But then I heard, “Am I not enough?”

And just like that, I was wide awake and fully convicted. Did it matter if I saw the Western Wall if I had Jesus? Did it matter if I never walked on the Teaching Steps at the Temple Mount if I had a Lord and Savior who met my ever need? Would it be the end of the world if I never saw the tomb I already knew was empty?

“Am I not enough?” 

In His gentle but quite blunt way, Jesus reminded me if what really mattered.

Contentment Found

Jesus wanted me to learn the habit of contentment more than He cared if I saw all the sights. And He was allowing me to experience the peace of remembering He is enough so I could learn the joy that comes from being content in whatever state I am in.

As we head into this Christmas holiday season, one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is the gift of contentment. (Contentment isn’t the same as complacency, but that’s a subject for another time).

I don’t always have to have things my way. For example, when the menu everyone agrees upon for an upcoming celebration isn’t the way I would have done it or doesn’t include the foods I think we should have . . . oh well. I may not get my coconut pie, but I can have a huge helping of peace. And when we are in a gathering with multiple personalities and diverse opinions, that’s a pretty sweet option.

Contentment may not always be my first response to situations I don’t like, but like Paul, I “press toward the goal (see Philippians 3:14)” of being content not matter what circumstances come my way (see Philippians 4:11).

I haven’t yet learned all I need to know about being content, but I keep practicing.

How about you? Have you ever considered contentment as a skill to be practiced?

Meet Lori…

Lori Altebaumer

Lori’s second novel, A Far Way to Run, released in May 2022 to critical acclaim. In between writing, Lori enjoys traveling with her husband and visiting her adult children. She rummages through their refrigerators and food pantries while complaining there’s nothing good to eat here. Lori podcasts with her husband, the excellent My Mornings with Jesus and Joe. 

Find her podcast here

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