
Joy by Kathy Howard

But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:13, NIV

She possessed a deep and abiding joy in Christ. Despite her family’s rejection. Despite her husband’s mistreatment. This unique joy – unstoppable even in the face of persecution – became a lasting heritage for those who came after her.

In 1923, Peirina Giancarli and her infant daughter left their small village in the Sibillini Mountains of Italy and sailed to America. After entering the country through Ellis Island, they joined her husband in Chicago. He had sailed ahead of them to take a job at a commercial cement company owned by Peirina’s brother. Times were hard in Italy and jobs were scarce, but America offered opportunity.

The family settled into Chicago, close to extended family. Peirina and her husband had two more daughters. She made new friends. But, then a friend’s invitation to a prayer meeting changed the course of Peirina’s life. When she heard about a personal, saving relationship with Jesus, Peirina received Him with joy. Sadly, her husband and her family thought Peirina had lost her mind.

Peirina’s joy in Christ came at a great price. Her extended family ostracized her. Her husband did everything he could to hinder his wife’s new faith. He prohibited her from attending church and repeatedly burned her Bible. But Peirina refused to reject Jesus. She locked herself in the bathroom to pray. She stole away to the coal cellar to read her Bible. And when possible, she attended church without her husband’s knowledge.

The legacy of faith

Peirina clung to Christ. Through her trials, God sustained her by His Spirit and blessed her with unstoppable joy. Although much of her family ridiculed her faith, Peirina’s granddaughter Terri embraced it. Although Terri loved Nonna’s prayers and songs of worship, it was Nonna’s joy in Christ that left the deepest mark on Terri. Today, every time she sees Nonna’s Italian Bible sitting on the corner of her desk, Terri thanks God for her grandmother’s legacy of joy.

On the surface, it seems contradictory that we can experience joy in time of suffering. But in 1 Peter 4:12-16, the apostle Peter declared that persecution and trials can be reason for joy. Trials refine our faith. And suffering because we belong to Jesus, forges intimacy with Him. 

Father, give us courage in the face of persecution. Refine and strengthen our faith when trouble comes. In Jesus’ name, amen.

About the wonderful Kathy…

Kathy Howard

Kathy Howard is a treasure hunter, seeking for the creamiest chocolate and richest coffee. She searches for cherished stories of faith that impact hearts. And, she digs deep into God’s Word, mining His eternal truths for herself and to share with others. With more than 30 years of experience, Kathy has taught in dozens of states, internationally, and in a wide range of venues. She has a Masters of Christian Education and is the author of 10 books, including the new, unique devotional “Heirloom: Living and Leaving a Legacy of Faith” (October 2021). She writes for multiple online magazines and devotionals. Kathy and her husband live in the Dallas/Ft Worth. They have three married children, six grandchildren, and two accidental dogs. Kathy provides free discipleship resources and blogs regularly on her website.

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